Mobile Application Penetration Testing Services in Singapore

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Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Every enterprise should ideally be expanding online across all platforms, including websites, web applications, mobile applications, etc. Several legitimately successful businesses in this league are forced to keep their clients on every portal in order to continue cultivating long-lasting connections with them.

Nonetheless, there is a good probability that certain black hat hackers with bad intentions would infiltrate the datasets that these mobile applications have access. Hence, an organization must use Mobile Application Penetration Testing Services in Singapore provided by a competent VAPT Solutions Provider in Singapore in order to protect these mobile applications.

Mobile Application Penetration Testing is also widely called by several other terms, like Mobile Pentest, Mobile Pentesting, Mobile VAPT, Mobile Pen Testing, etc. In addition, this particular service is actually designed to reveal several types of weaknesses in the mobile application’s cyber security posture. Despite the fact that there are numerous additional Mobile App Penetration Testing companies worldwide, Craw Security is the best VAPT services provider in Singapore and other illustrious countries in the world, according to our analysis.

What is Mobile Application Penetration Testing?

A good-performing penetration testing specialist or a team of pentesting experts conducts mobile application security testing on a target mobile application to identify any associated flaws, threats, or breaches via which a black hat hacker with bad intent can infiltrate its databases.  In addition, a person may also pick Craw Security to ensure that the Top VAPT Solutions Provider in Singapore will complete their work with the utmost commitment and professionalism if they are considering commencing a Mobile App Pentesting.

As a result, Mobile Application Penetration Testing is the primary methodology used to identify all flaws present in a target Mobile Application accurately.

Scheduling (2-4 months before Penetration Test)
Testing Preparation (5 weeks before Penetration Test)

Testing (During Penetration Test)
Reporting (0-6 weeks after Penetration Test)

Retesting (0-3 months after Penetration Test)

Mobile Application Security Testing Methodology

Our team of nicely knowledgeable mobile application penetration testers uses a specialized mobile application security testing methodology and serves as a human defensive layer or barricade between your organization’s mobile application and prospective black hat hackers.  Furthermore, after extensive consultation with the company’s owners and higher-ups, our skilled pentesters create a customized Mobile App Pentesting Checklist.

Additionally, a member of our team of experts who works on the Mobile Application Penetration Testing Service confirms that they use the OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide while conducting a series of attacks on your target mobile applications to see if all potential vulnerabilities have been examined or not.

Process/ Methodology of Mobile Application VAPT:

The following are the necessary actions that our knowledgeable team of mobile application penetration testing professionals takes, which are duly listed below:

Moreover, we attempted to explain each of the aforementioned stages in the table below:

By carrying out a number of cyberattacks on your targeted mobile application, our team of skilled penetration testers finds a lot of vulnerabilities in this step.
Assessment/ Analysis
The same crew of penetration testing professionals conducts a vulnerability assessment or procedure to find any potential vulnerabilities in the target mobile applications in question.
Moreover, the team also employs an in-depth approach to exploit every vulnerability it has discovered, taking into account all the necessary tools, techniques, algorithms, patterns, and technologies.
The last phase involves recording and documenting all identified security flaws and the methods used to abuse them in a comprehensive report that will be given to higher authorities for examination in the end.

Objectives of the Mobile Application Penetration Testing Assessment

The mainstream objectives of the Mobile Application Penetration Testing Assessment are mentioned in the below table:

Tracking Security Flaws

Finding all security concerns in the intended mobile applications and their APIs, Web Platforms, Web Services, etc., is our top priority.

Mitigating the Security Flaws

Finding every security weakness is not sufficient if the proper approach cannot be used to fix them.

Security Compliance with the Republic of Singapore

While functioning in your various IT ecosystem, it is our important responsibility to adhere to the rules and the Republic of Singapore’s Cyber Security laws.


Benefits of VAPT Services

APT services protect networks from vulnerability threats, prevent data breaches, and improve security posture. They identify risks, reduce security risks, and ensure compliance.

Assessment Report

VAPT services provide detailed assessment of system security and suggests improvements.

Craw Security Certificate

Certificate for successful completion of Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing services.

Consulting with Expert

We provide comprehensive and secure VAPT services to identify and mitigate security threats.

Enquire Now

Why Choose Craw Cyber Security

Cyber Security Course is a program that provides training and certification in the field of cyber security. VAPT stands for Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing, a service that helps to identify, analyze and mitigate security risks in an IT environment.

Cyber Security Course

Cyber Security Course

Learn to protect data and systems from attacks, identify vulnerabilities, and secure networks. Understand encryption, authentication, access control, and more. Get certified and stay ahead in the fast-evolving world of cybersecurity.

Website VAPT Services

Website VAPT Services

We provide comprehensive VAPT services to ensure your website is secure & compliant with industry standards. Our testing includes vulnerability scanning, penetration testing & security audits to identify & mitigate security risks.

Network VAPT Services

Network VAPT Services

Network VAPT testing is a comprehensive approach for evaluating the security of the network. It includes network mapping, vulnerability scanning, manual exploit testing, and penetration testing to identify potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.


Frequently Asked Questions

About Mobile Application Penetration Testing Service

There is a significant danger of losing the datasets to black hat hackers who have the malevolent intention to trade those datasets on the black market or dark web in order to make some extra money in this era of mobile applications for practically any booming business.

Craw Security is fully staffed with qualified penetration testers who have the essential abilities and expertise for the job.  We also have all the tools, methodologies, and procedures that should be used when the time is appropriate.

Some widely known standards for Mobile Application Penetration Testing are as follows:

  • OWASP Top 10 Mobile Threats
  • Common Vulnerability Scoring Systems (CVSS)
  • Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)
  • National Information Assurance Partnerships (NIAP)
  • Internet of Secure Things Alliance (ioXt)

Any organization can profit from mobile application penetration testing by using the top-notch services provided by Craw Security, the best VAPT solutions provider in Singapore, which offers mobile application penetration testing services of the highest caliber.  Below are a few of them:

  • Tracking Security Flaws
  • Mitigating the Security Flaws
  • Security Compliance with the Republic of Singapore

Absolutely, mobile applications can genuinely be employed to carry out the many protocols linked to mobile application penetration testing.  Utilizing the world-class services of Craw Security, the Top VAPT Solutions Provider in Singapore is a wise move for any company that is serious about using the best Mobile Application Penetration Testing Solutions under the guidance of elite Penetration Testing experts.

The highly known 5 stages of Penetration Testing are mentioned below:

  • Reconnaissance,
  • Scanning,
  • Vulnerability Assessment,
  • Exploitation, and
  • Reporting

The sincerely famous 3 types of Penetration Testing Techniques are jotted down:

  • Black Box Penetration Testing,
  • Grey Box Penetration Testing,
  • White Box Penetration Testing.

Although the OWASP Top 10 Vulnerability Assessment is quite well recognized for identifying all vulnerabilities present in online apps, the organization also has a mobile security project that is appropriately focused on the mobile app sector.

Mobile app vulnerabilities are undoubtedly exploitable cybersecurity vulnerabilities that might provide black hat hackers access through a backdoor.

However, through the utilization of real VAPT Solutions offered by Craw Security in Singapore, these risks can be reduced.

Mobile app security testing may be summed up as vulnerability analysis and penetration testing, which can find every minor and significant flaw that could provide backdoor access to all malevolent adversaries on the lookout for their next victim.

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